How to Develop Genuine Community

Two Distinct Atmospheres Just a short drive from my office, there are two great places to get a cup of coffee: Starbucks and Dunkin Doughnuts.  I enjoy the coffee at both places.  But there are definitely some distinct differences between the two places – especially when it comes to choosing a place to talk. At Dunkin Doughnuts, you will likely see more people in line than you will see seated in the chairs and tables found at a typical fast-food restaurant.  But at Starbucks, there may be plenty of people in line, but there are often many more gathered at the tables for…

Beyond Swapping Information

“The discussion should go beyond simply giving and getting information. “ I recently watched an interesting dynamic play out during a Small Group discussion.  We watched a short video, read through a passage of Scripture, then various people chimed in with their insights, thoughts, and ideas about the passage.  Most of the people contributed to the conversation, and most of the people gained something from it.  From all appearances, things seemed like a textbook small group discussion. But just below the surface, something was clearly missing.  Ultimately, the dialogue had simply been an exchange of information. Don’t misunderstand, it was not necessarily wasted time;…