Beyond Swapping Information

“The discussion should go beyond simply giving and getting information. “ I recently watched an interesting dynamic play out during a Small Group discussion.  We watched a short video, read through a passage of Scripture, then various people chimed in with their insights, thoughts, and ideas about the passage.  Most of the people contributed to the conversation, and most of the people gained something from it.  From all appearances, things seemed like a textbook small group discussion. But just below the surface, something was clearly missing.  Ultimately, the dialogue had simply been an exchange of information. Don’t misunderstand, it was not necessarily wasted time;…

If You Fall

“It’s one thing to fall, but an entirely different thing to stay there in the mess. “ If your phone fell in a toilet, you’d take immediate and drastic measures before using it. If you stepped in a puddle of vomit, you’d clean your shoes before going out for dinner. But often, we are not as quick to make necessary adjustments when it comes to sin in our lives.   Everyone takes a wrong step at times.  God Himself says we all sin, we all fall short.  So, if you fall, if you step into sin, if the devil wins…

10 Practical Tips to Make Every Small Group Gathering Matter

“There is great joy leading others as you follow Jesus together, and you also bear the responsibility to lead others well. “ Here are 10 practical tips for Small Group leaders (in no particular order.) #1 Make preparation a priority.  Remember two important things about leading a Small Group: There is great joy leading others as you follow Jesus together, and you also bear the responsibility to lead others well. With these in mind, get in the habit of setting aside enough time every week to be fully prepared. #2 Be ready.  Before your guests arrive, have your lesson finished,…

Hero, Villain, or Just Like You: The Pastor

“Across the scale there are those who adore pastors to a fault (he’s a super-hero), and those who are hypercritical of them (he’s a villain), and everything in between. “ How many churches do you drive past each week? I would imagine that few of them are mega-churches – most are simply just smaller groups of believers gathering together for worship. Each of these churches has at least one pastor who is serving, leading, preaching, teaching, and counseling week after week after week.   Consider these pastors for just a minute.   If you have a pastor… A pastor is not…

Can you mess up God’s plans for your life?

“God is not caught off guard by your decisions. “ How did I end up here? Maybe I should have chosen a different path… Maybe I shouldn’t have taken this job… Maybe I shouldn’t have dated that person… Maybe I…   There’s a sinking feeling when you start second guessing a decision you’ve made. Sometimes in life, your circumstances might seem like a mess created by choices you made weeks, months, or even years earlier. It’s natural to think… “Did I miss out on God’s plans for me?  Did God have a great plan for my life, but I messed it…

Something More To Be Found In The Mess

“Before the fog had cleared… before the “happy ending” …before Job ever knew he would see a light at the end of the tunnel, he found something priceless. “ When you’ve been beaten to the ground, there is little comfort in hearing that you will be able to help others in the same situation someday.   It is true that one of the greatest spiritual joys in life can be helping others out of the same difficulties you have faced in the past. (More on that here.)  But let’s be honest… In the depths of the messiest moments of life, your first…

Sometimes It Takes a Wave

“Sometimes it takes a wave to reveal where you are standing.  “   If you’ve ever walked along the beach, there is a place between the water’s edge and the dry sun-baked sand where the ground can feel deceptively firm.   Standing in this area can provide unique feeling.  Your feet can be firmly planted on the hard surface, but as soon as the tide begins to roll in and a wave washes past your feet, you immediately start to sink down into the sand.   One of the most frustrating experiences I’ve ever had was something similar – but…